We’ve Got Your Back Charity launched its day programme service to suffering alcoholics and drug addicts in September 2023. A service designed around the tried and tested 12 step programme of recovery, adapted by We’ve Got Your Back and is wholly abstinence based to help its users to become free from their addictions, enabling them to become an active member within their community.

We’ve Got Your Back

The Community Cupboard
The Community Cupboard was formed following an initial comment of ‘I think we need a local Food bank’, in response to a local residents plea for help. After a few introductions, many meetings and lots of research, the trustee team was formed. We quickly became a registered charity and launched The Community Cupboard. By working together, we have ensured that those in need receive the correct support to address ongoing issues.

Karis’ Helping Hand
Karis McMonagle sadly passed away aged just 10 years old after suffering from a brain tumour. Her family appreciated all the charities who helped them throughout their journey, and have since created their own charity. They can now offer some relief to other families finding themselves in the same situation. They want to try to make life that bit easier and give what they can to as many families as possible.